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What is Booster Club?

Our Lake Washington High School Booster Club is a 501(c)(3) organization that focuses on elevating Kang spirit and ensuring that our 17 participating programs remain strong and supported. 

  • Parent volunteers and fundraising are integral to our mission.

  • School budgets and student participation fees are not enough to cover out-of-season training, travel, tournament fees, extra equipment, banquets & awards. 

  • Please consider supporting our efforts to 'boost' our school's athletic, theatrical, musical and student interest member groups.

  • Does your company do matching donations or hours? Help us maximize your contributions.

Support our Programs!

If you would like to contribute to all of the programs that LWHS Booster Club supports, click on the DONATE button above.  If there is a specific program or activity you would like to support, please go to the Booster Clubs tab and click on that program's button.

If you would like to show your support by check so that our programs get the full benefit of your donation, please mail your check to:


Lake Washington High School Booster Club

218 Main St #627

Kirkland, WA 98033


Please indicate if there is a specific club or project you are donating towards in the memo.

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